Slot Operations Management and Performance Analysis

Slot operations management is a lot more complicated now than it used to be 30 or so years ago. Luckily, now we have more sophisticated tools available to us. The proliferation of casino gaming brings increased competition, which squeezes profit margins, and heightens the need for thorough analytics like never before.

Our team is experienced in both casino and arcade slot management in Europe, Middle East and Asia. We have worked with many Slot Management Systems and very well know how to use the systems to analyze the slot department’s performance. In a competitive landscape, regular comprehensive analysis is a must for successful slot operations.

Our slot department performance analysis process at a glance:

  1. Gather statistical data of KPI’s.
  2. Macro Level Analysis – analyze data by groups/segments (Banks, Denominations, Game Types, Brands), Payout %, Occupancy %.
  3. Micro Level Analysis – examine Actual Win and Theoretical Win differences per machine and check if those differences fall within the confidence range.
  4. Trend Analysis.
  5. Slot Floor Optimisation by changing machine location, game titles, adding jackpots, or changing house advantage percent.
  6. Track and measure changes.
 To learn more about slot performance analysis Click Here